This is about all of the things I can do on here. Look!
I can change the font that I write (write) in!
I can change the size of the text.I can talk boldly!
I can talk sideways!
I can change the color of the font!
I can link but I'm not going to do that because I have nothing to link to!
I can align left!
I can align center!
I can align right!
I can justify full! This might look weird. I'm not sure.
- I
- can
- number
- it
- like
- this!
- I
- can
- make
- a
- bulleted
- list
- like
- this!
What the heck is a blockquote?
I don't know what picture I should put here.
I don't know what video to add here.
What's formatting? I need to know! There is a button labeled "Remove Formatting!"
Holt (Holt)